The effect of sleep-deprivation and driving environment on situation awareness, trust and physiological state of drivers

Bachelor thesis, University of Fribourg, 2021

  • 2 students to supervise.
  • The students worked few hours a week for 10 months.
  • Supporting the student for designing the experiment, prepare the material for data collection, collecting and analyzing the data.
  • Communication in English with the students.
  • Study done in 2 languages : French and German.

Context of the project

The goal of this project is to investigate the effect of sleep-deprivation and driving environment on situation awareness, trust and physiological state of drivers. The data were collected on a fixed-based driving simulator where participants had to drive in conditional automation for 50 minutes. Half of them were sleep-deprived the night before the experiment (20% less compared to theirs sleep habits). Besides, all participants experienced two different diving scenarios : 1 in the counstryside and 1 in the city. They had to react accordingly to 2 Takeover Requests (TORs), one in each scenario

Tasks done by the students

  • Design of the experiment (procedure and choice of task and measures)
  • Preparation of the material for user testing : questionnaires, instructions, audio recorder
  • User testing : data collection of 90 participants
    • Socio-demographic questions
    • Physiological signals : ECG, EDA and Respiration
    • Alertness level : Karolinska Sleepiness Scale
    • Performance of vigilence task
    • Situation Awareness Rating Technique (SART)
    • Situational Trust (STS-AD)
    • Affective State (AniSAM)
    • User Experience (UEQ-S)
  • Data analysis
  • Realization of the bachelor thesis
  • Optional : Creation of a poster summarizing the work done