Maintaining awareness through a mobile application in automated driving

Semester project, HES-SO // University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, 2021

  • 2 students to supervise.
  • The students worked 4 hours a week for 3 months.
  • Approximately 1 meeting per month.

Context of the project

To date, technological advances have made it possible to automate vehicles. For example, a level 2 automated car offers partial autonomy, i.e. the system can manage the acceleration, deceleration and steering of a vehicle thanks to the information perceived by various vehicle sensors. However, critical situations may be difficult for the car to operate. In the context of the AdVitam project a mobile application has been developed to maintain driver’s situation awareness and make future driving safer. The goal of this semester project is to find the best way for alerting the drivers from potential hazards coming on the road. A system of pop-up with additional information available on a clic will be implemented

Tasks done by the students

  • Analysis of the existing architecture
    • Requirements of the project
    • Mockups of the application
    • Use case and class diagram
  • Implementation of the pop-up system
  • Functional tests of the prototype
  • User tests on a simulator