Advanced Interfaces and Wearable Devices

Undergraduate course, HES-SO // University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, 2020

Teaching assistant for practical exercices for 3 years (2017-2020). This course is followed by bachelor students in computer science (3rd year).


This course deals with human-computer interaction and the realization of natural, contextual and adaptive interfaces capable of facilitating the life of people throughout their daily activities.

At the end of the course, the student :

  • Knows the new interaction paradigms of ubiquitous computing (‘ Ambient Intelligence ‘ and ‘ Wearable Computing ‘).
  • Knows the theoretical overview of the different possible interactions using the new interaction modalities (tactile surfaces, gestures, physiological signals, movements, etc.).
  • Becomes familiar with some of these new types of interaction modalities by experimenting with them during a practical mini-project.
  • Can design and implement an advanced interface using different interaction elements and devices (Kinect, Wiimote, augmented glasses, touch sensitive surfaces, etc.) made available.


The course includes a theoretical part and a practical part (realization of a mini-project using the new interaction modalities). The theoretical part includes:

  • Introduction to Ubiquitous Computing and Human-Natural Machine Interaction with an overview of the interaction paradigms ‘Ambient Intelligence’ and ‘Wearable Computing’.
  • Architecture and application domains of interactive systems
  • Interaction modalities and development frameworks: gestural interaction, tactile surfaces and tangible interfaces, physiological signals, augmented reality, wearable devices and contextual interaction.
  • Introduction to Persuasive Interfaces

The practical part will consist in imagining, designing and realizing an advanced interface based on different interaction devices and according to the given instructions and theme.

The work will take place in groups (3 students). Each group will be able to use different interaction elements (Oculus Rift, Google glasses, smart bracelet, Kinect, Wii, smartphone, tactile surfaces, etc.) as needed for the realization of the mini-project. Other peripherals are also available and can be used for the mini-projects.

My role in this course

I give the pratical course related to each chapter of the theoretical part of the course, including:

  • Learn how to use Unity and developing a first application in Augmented Reality (AR) on a smartphone
  • Develop a first application in Virtual Reality (VR) using the Oculus Quest 2 headset
  • Introduction to gestual interaction using the Oculus Quest 2 in VR
  • Introduction to Arduino : Tangible interaction (slider) to move objects in VR

Other technologies were used in previous years such as:

  • Kinect v2
  • Leap Motion