Information systems

Undergraduate course, HES-SO // University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, 2019

Teaching assistant for practical exercices for 2 years (2018-2020). This course is followed by bachelor students in computer science (2nd year).


At the end of the course, the student knows how to:

  • Model, structure and represent information in XML
  • Transform, manipulate and merge XML structures and models for the exchange of information between applications
  • Format and render the information described in XML for user-oriented publishing on fixed and mobile devices.
  • Develop applications using syntax parsers (tree-based, event-based) and current object models for processing and storing XML data
  • Determine the stakes of new technologies, the importance of standardization in the process of data exchange and in the editorial chain of the company.


  • Document modeling & representing
    • Document Model
    • XML Language (syntax, tag)
    • DTD (Document Type Definition)
    • XML Schema - basic concepts
  • Document Transforming
    • XPATH Language
    • XSLT Language
  • Document Rendering
    • CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)
    • XSL-FO (Formating Object) Language
    • SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language), etc.
  • Document Programming
    • DOM (Document Object Model) standard
    • SAX (Simple API for XML) standard
    • JDOM (Java API for DOM), JAXP (Java API for XML Processing)

My role in this course

I give the following practical courses:

  • NodeJS : Discover the basics of NodeJS by creating a small task list management application
    • Setting up the project
    • Implementation of routes (GET and POST)
    • Front-end in Embedded JavaScript (EJS)
    • Reading a JSON file with NodeJS
    • Familiarize with the features offered by HTML5
    • Become familiar with the use of a CSS framework (Bootstrap) to improve the design of a website
    • Create a first Progressive Web App
    • Host your website for free with GitLab/GitHub Pages
  • XML
    • Study, test, understand, and become familiar with the handling of XML files
    • Become familiar with XML Schema (XSD) design
    • Use of XPath queries
    • Parsing of XML files.

Videos were recorded and uploaded on a private playlist on YouTube for these pratical work sessions.

Students also have to do two practical work at home. In this project, they hace to design a tool to manage invoices on an online site. The work is to be done in trinomes :

  • Creation of invoices in JSON format
  • Implementation of the web architecture (with NodeJS and HTML/CSS
  • Improvement of the design using a CSS framework
  • Give the possibility to download files in XML and JSON format

In a second part, students had to design the same tool using another framework : ASP .NET MVC or Spring MVC. They had to produce a video explaining :

  • the theoretical operation of the framework
    • Global functioning of the framework
    • Operation for each component : Routing, Model, View, Controller
  • how their application works with this framework
    • Identify the different elements of the framework (Model, View, Controller, Routing) in your project and explain how they work.
    • Presentation of the functionalities of the application and its elements
    • Choices made during implementation